The Company & Senior sections offers the chance for Boys & Girls to make new friends, work as a team, learn new skills and develop as a person.
A typical Friday evening for the Company & Senior Section consists of Fall in & Inspection, a Short Service, Games, Badgework, Dismiss & free time.
Both sections normally join together for badgework but they work on different Badgework schemes.
The Company Section work on the Discover program
which has activities split into the three categories of
Community, Recreation & Skills. Click on the Discover
logo to see a list of typical activities.
The Senior Section work on the Challenge plus Badge scheme.
They also work towards the Presidents badge and the Queens badge which is the highest badge you can earn in the Boys Brigade.

Both Company and Senior Sections wear a uniform consisting of a Blue Polo Shirt, Navy Blue sweater, Black trousers & Black Shoes. They also wear armbands to display the badges & awards they have gained.
The Company & Senior Sections regularly take part in Gloucestershire Battalion, West of England and National Competitions and Camp annually with the Gloucestershire Battalion.